Training Basics

Author: Skip Welles

Training Basics





            The outcome of this training:

o       You will be able to transform non-existent or inadequate performance into effective performance in minimal time and at minimal cost.


            We’ll first take a look at the this systematic approach, and then practice it.

o       The underlying philosophy is to work backwards.



The Basic Template: GOT

o       Goals

o       Objectives

o       Test Items


            Goals express the vision of the successful outcome of the training.


            A goal must be written in such a way that it allows you to separate those who fit the description of the goal from those who don’t.



  • Facilities workers who are safety conscious
  • Able to correctly administer CPR
  • An effective sales presentation
  • Effectively handle an unhappy customer




            Performance Objectives are statements of expectations of performance, in measurable terms.


            State what they are expected to be able to do.

o       How well

o       Within what constraints








            Given a CPR dummy, hold it in the correct position, and with your body in the correct position to begin administering CPR.


            Given a simulated prospective buyer, begin a conversation that can lead into a presentation of the features, benefits, and asking for a response regarding the Mark V Torque Converter.  Then state how it could be used to lead into that presentation.


            Given a simulated prospective buyer, present the features, benefits, and ask for a response regarding the Mark V Torque Converter.


            Given a simulated unhappy customer, demonstrate the “Feel, Felt, Found” technique.


Test Item

            A Test Item is a Criterion-based demonstration of competence.


            A Test Item is what will you have them do in order to demonstrate that they can perform a task.

o       How well

o       Within what constraints




            Given a CPR dummy, hold it in the correct position, and with your body in the correct position to begin administering CPR.


            Change a tire on any mid-size car within 20 minutes.  All five lugs must be tight enough to stop turning when you apply most of your strength, but be removed without using most of your strength.


            Your trainer will pose as a simulated prospective buyer.  Present the features, benefits, and ask for a response regarding the Mark V Torque Converter.




            Now you will practice these techniques.

o       Goals, Objectives, Test Items




Step 1:

            Identify instances of inadequate performance.



            The Customer Service people are not adequately referring customers to the correct department to meet their requests.



            List three actual or imaginary instances of lacking or inadequate performance.


    1. _________________________________________________________________


    1. _________________________________________________________________


    1. _________________________________________________________________




Step 2:

            Write a goal for an instance of inadequate performance.



            The Customer Service People are able to refer a customer to the correct department to meet their requests.



            For each of the three instances of inadequacy, write a Goal that allows you to separate those who fit the description of the goal from those who don’t.


1.      _________________________________________________________________


2.      _________________________________________________________________


3.      _________________________________________________________________





Step 3:

            Write an objective for a goal.



            Given a customer who wants to report bad coffee, refer the customer to the correct department.  This must be done within five minutes, and the customer must be connected to the correct department.



            For each of the three goals, write an objective that makes competency visible, or otherwise measurable.


1.      _________________________________________________________________


2.      _________________________________________________________________


3.      _________________________________________________________________




Step 4:

            Write a Test Item for an objective.



            Pick up the phone.  On it is a customer who wants to report bad coffee.  Refer the customer to the correct department.  This must be done within five minutes, and the customer must be connected to the correct department.



            For each of the three objectives, write a Test Item that makes competency visible, or otherwise measurable.


1.      _________________________________________________________________


2.      _________________________________________________________________


3.      _________________________________________________________________




Determining the methods of instruction


            In reality, the method of instruction in a training program is the least important part.

o       This is because once you have the Goals, Objectives, and Test Items in place, in many cases the trainee can self-train.


            The Test Items enable you to either certify the trainee’s competence or not certify it.

o       Certification simply means that someone is willing to sign their name to the effect that a person is able to demonstrate the performance.


            The actual training may consist of:


o       Classroom

o       On line

o       Reading

o       On the Job Training

o       “Osmosis” on the job

o       Self-training

o       Mentor

o       In-born abilities

o       Or anything (or nothing)



Critical Underlying Principles


o       Respect the trainee.

o       If the trainee is not achieving the required results then it is the fault of the training program, not the trainee.  (Well, OK, almost always…)

o       Remove, or at least minimize, all obstacles to the trainee’s learning.

o       Do not add training content that does not contribute directly to the attainment of the performance objectives.

o       You may provide that as optional material that the trainee can take away, but don’t allow it to take time away from the program.

o       Provide plenty of practice, with reinforcing feedback, before the testing.











Skip Welles


Keywords: training, performance objectives, reduce course length, reduce course cost, Training Basics, Training Basics Course

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